Faith And A Pool

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Just the click of that button on your right, and we would be super excited! Seriously consider those buttons! I have corrected the url link (it was not working) to the source of my story in my last post (The Only Bible – Earthly Living in Heavenly Anticipation (

 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

© Credit Emilio Garcia (

Just one Easter Monday, I went, with my mechanic, to the vehicle parts market at Abossey Okai in Accra, Ghana. I needed parts to fix my car. Even though the market was deserted, we knew some traders would still come around to wait for people like me and make some extra cash. Soon enough, we got a good bargain and my mechanic left with the man to bring the items. 

While waiting, an argument erupted in the next shop. A man shouted, “How can I be sure that Jesus died for me? What shows He didn’t die just for the Jews?” I listened awhile to the arguments and started towards them. He had heard many sermons but was not convinced. Had heard many Bible texts, including the “God so loved the world” and “whosoever” in John 3:16. But he still was not convinced. You know he is not alone. Many people are waiting for some supernatural encounter or feeling before they can believe. They want to have a vision or revelation. Until then, unfortunately, their decision to reach their fullest potential has to wait.

Our text, Rom 10:17 reveals that faith cometh as a result of hearing, hearing the word of God. Pure and simple. God acts on our faith expressed, which results from hearing God’s word preached. Our Saviour wants you to keep close to Himself so that He can keep you happy. But, you say, if I could only know that He is my Saviour! Well, what kind of evidence do you want? Do you want a particular special feeling or emotion to prove that Christ is yours? Is this more reliable than pure faith in God’s promises? Put your whole weight on God’s promises. That is faith.

Afadja (name changed) was raised as an atheist. He was training to be an Olympic diver. The only religious influence in his life came from his most faithful friend, Boreba, an outspoken Christian. The young diver never really paid much attention to his friend’s sermons, but he heard them often. He was sure that one day, his indefatigable friend would get tired. Then the sermons would stop. For now, he had to endure all Boreba’s passionate appeals.

© Credit NOAA (

One night Afadja went to practice in the indoor pool at the university he attended. The inside lights were off, but as the swimming pool had big skylights and the moon was bright, there was plenty of light for him to practice. The young man climbed up to the highest diving board. He turned his back to the pool on the edge of the board and extended his arms out. Then, he saw his shadow on the wall. His shadow was in the shape of a cross. Resistance broke inside him. Sermons and illustrations jumped up at him. Instead of diving, Afadja knelt right there and asked God to come into his life. Then, after the prayer, as he stood up, ready to continue his diving practice, a maintenance man trudged noisily in and turned the pool lights on. The diver looked down as the man descended into the pool, fully dressed and holding his tools. The pool was empty![1] 

Imagine with me that one more time, Afadja rejected the Holy Spirit’s call for any reason at all… Imagine that he decided that after the swim… that he put off his decision one more time… just one more time…. Tell me, long will you also keep struggling with the Holy Spirit?

[1] Adapted from The Olympic Diver (

When Akushika Said, “I DO”

© Credit Wilma Brown 2022

15:36 hours. Saturday, June 25, 2022 for Wilma


Lovely Shika

Smiles behind the veil

The veil isn’t a barrier, no

This veil tones down

Her luminescence, iridescence

The glory that shrouded her

Keeping her humble and powerful


Lovely Aku smiles

Her shining teeth hides

Her stated refusal to entertain old-maids

While she hung onto prayer’s

Loosened tongue

To reaffirm divine openings and closings

Working together for good

To her that loved God.

To the girl who offered

Her beating heartstrings to Jesus

Of Northern Ghana


Shika smiled

When Northern Ghana in Macedonia

Stood behind Jesus and


She responded with joy

And left Accra for browner pastures,

To find the long lost prodigal.

Those days, she brought back spoils.


Aku’s smiles

Widened when she graduated

And started work

But she had already responded.

The young lady kept right on

Winning, winning, winning,

Till today.


So today

When the minister asked, my daughter responded

“I Do”

But that was long ago

When in spite of

Aedis aegypti, scorpions and enraged heat

She joined a bus headed for Nyanpanduri

Like a piece of light from the

Sun of Righteousness.

That really was when Aku said,

“I Do”

The Only Bible

© Credit Ben White (

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For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.

1 Corinthians 4:9

He is tall and dark with wild hair. He always wears a T-shirt with holes in it, faded jeans and sandals. These clothes were his attire for his entire four years of college. His skin reveals he is from a minority race. But he is brilliant and kind of Sibylline. He became a Christian in the first semester of his fourth year.

© Credit Sincerely Media (

Across the street from the campus is a well-furnished, very conservative church. One day the young man decides to go there. He walks in with sandals, jeans, his T-shirt, and wild hair. The service has already started, so Bill starts down the aisle, looking for a seat. He cannot find a seat in the fully packed church. By now, people are looking a bit uncomfortable, but no one says anything. Bill gets closer and closer and closer to the pulpit, and when he realizes there are no seats, he decides to squat down on the carpet. (Although perfectly acceptable behaviour at a college fellowship, trust me, this had never happened in this church before!

By now, the people are uptight, and the tension in the air is thick. About this time, the minister lifts his eyes. He realizes that from the way to the church’s back, an Elder is slowly making his way toward the visitor. This Elder is in his eighties. His silver-grey hair sits properly just above the neck of a shining blue three-piece suit. He is a godly, exquisite, dignified, and courtly man. He walks with a cane. As he walks toward this visitor, everyone is saying to themselves – you can’t blame him for what he’s going to do.

© Credit Erica Giraud (

How can you expect a man of his age and background to understand some college kid on the floor? It takes a long time for the man to reach the boy. The church is utterly silent except for the clicking of the man’s cane.

All eyes are focused on him. You can’t even hear anyone breathing. The minister can’t even preach the sermon until the Elder has done what he must do. And now they see this elderly man drop his cane on the floor. With great difficulty, he lowers himself, sits down next to the visitor, and worships with him so he won’t be alone.

Everyone chokes up with emotion. When the minister gains control, he says, “What I’m about to preach, you will never remember. What you have just seen, you will never forget. Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some people will ever read[1].” 

This engaging story is not mine but adapted from the Empowered Speaker. It is indeed very touching. It is a clarion call to all professing Christians that God expects them to help others know Him. 

© Credit Samuel Martins (

Think about it. How many have opened your pages today? What did they find? Lies? Or honesty? Petulance? Or consideration? Insults? Or calmness? Harshness? Or grace? Backbiting? Or support? What about yesterday? Last month? Last December 14? Can you remember any day? When have you ever gone out of your way and responded positively to the Holy Spirit? When last did you do so? Constrain the rest of your life to be a good Bible. Ask God for forgiveness and true repentance. Give the rest of your life to Jesus! God never stops sending people to read His children (Job 1:8; 2:3). For you and I have been made a spectacle unto men and angels as our text says (1Corinthians 4:9).

[1] Adapted from Be Careful How You Live… (

Speeding Ticket

© Credit Andrew Grove (

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There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.[1]

Proverbs 14:12

Ikair spotted the policeman and his speed gun. He quickly changed gears from 5th to 3rd, hoping it would confuse the speed gun. This month, he had been stopped three times already for doing 80km+ in a 50km zone.

© Credit Jonathan Cooper (

As he slowed down, he gasped. A Christian policeman has caught a member of his church! They were both members of the same church! Ikair stared at the older man in his inspector’s uniform for a moment. Then Ikair’s mind took off with speed, recalling the many times they had worked together on committees, visited people to share the gospel, and counselled struggling couples. He snapped back to reality and thought, ‘this should be easy.

“Good afternoon Mr Samwan. What a way to meet.” He got out of the car. “Hmmmmm, yes.” The policeman looked as if he understood. Good sign Ikair thought and continued explaining, “Irene called me just now that there was this chicken I had to get for dinner and look at the time. I had to turn around quickly and hmmm… I didn’t even notice my speed had gone up o”. The cop countered, “Last time you passed here, this afternoon, you were doing 87km”. 

O, no! Ikair, change your strategy. “Elder Sam, are you going to book me?” No response. Ikair caught sight of the security camera above, recording everything. Sam was writing in his book. Everything felt unreal. Why didn’t he ask for my license or even check my car number? Ikair was too angry to admit that he, Ikair, was confused.

Finally, Sam walked over to Ikair and handed the folded sheet to him without meeting his eyes. In anger, Ikair got into his car and drove home, this time slowly. Meanwhile, tears filled the inspector’s eyes.

Ikair was still fuming as he hugged his only daughter and gave her the groceries at home. While dodging her questions, his eye fell on the paper. He began to wonder when he was to appear in court. He took it and opened it. It was a note, not a summons. Whew! He began to read.

“Dear Ikair, I used to have a daughter. She was sixteen when a speeding driver murdered her. He spent a few months in prison and was freed to join his three daughters. Though I had only one, I will have to wait until Jesus comes before I can ever hold her again. A million times, I’ve tried to forgive that driver. A million times, I thought I had…. Please be careful. My son is all I have left. From Samwan”. It took a whole 5 minutes to snap out of his self-absorption. It’s not critical until it affects you personally. 

My heart is burdened as I write. A motorbike killed my step-brother in 2006. We have let things slide. We have become like others even though children of God lift the standard in their lifestyles. As a child of God, you should be the first to obey laws. Stop breaking people’s hearts with your insensitive selfishness. Casanovas are not Christians. Stop wrecking people’s homes with your inability to store your genitals properly. Cease from destroying people’s lives with calculated lousy advice. Desist from extinguishing people’s futures simply because they disagreed with you. You can’t go back in time to undo or ease. And you can not prevent God’s blessings from reaching the right people. Remember Proverbs 14:12 and think about your future, old age and eternity.

[1] Proverbs 14:12 KJV – There is a way which seemeth right unto – Bible Gateway

Gospel According To Taste

© Credit Wei Ding (

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For we are to God a sweet savour of Christ, in those being saved, and in those being lost;  

2Corinthians 2:15
© Credit L Hansel (

When she pushed the door open, the aroma of yam porridge wafted to her, invaded her nose and rearranged her tired face into a smiling one. Naema forgot she was carrying her travelling bag and entered the kitchen. Her mother turned, pushed a bowl at her and withdrew it. “Go put your bag down and come right back here. 

“Yes, mammy, she responded and added, “I am starving!”.

When the first spoonful landed on her tongue, her taste buds transformed into a thousand conductors of beautiful memories. Naema raised her head only when her bowl was empty. Her tongue longed for more. Without looking at her, mother whispered, “I know. Go take only 2 ladles, you hear? “Thank you, mammy! Naema shouted and darted towards the kitchen. Naema’s tongue did a good job, like many other tongues. It was created to do just that. 

The tongue can mainly handle 5 senses of taste[1]. Children have approximately 10,000 taste buds located primarily on the tongue, but by adulthood, they have reduced to between 2,000 and 8,000[2]. These buds help us identify the taste of whatever we put in our mouths. In other words, our tongues can decipher 5 different types of taste. They are – sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami – all expertly handled. They each simply activate our senses. But our perception of taste depends largely on our background and how we trained our tongues.

© Credit B Suter (

The tongue can perceive taste from virtually every part of its surface. Our saliva is the transport system to take food to the receptor cells[3]. It works with the sense of smell to influence memory and emotions. In our story above, the scent of the yam porridge got Naema salivating. The memory of her mother’s savoury yam porridge rearranged her feelings, so she began smiling. Finally, her memory of yam porridge experiences made her to forget to carry her bag into her room. What is the taste of your current favourite meal, and who prepares it best?

Hot and spicy food perception is actually that of pain. The tongue and mouth experience pain and send those signals to our brain. Researchers are trying to identify how we perceive more tastes like metal, water, and alkaline[4]. Our taste buds can, however, identify fat in foods.

Our taste buds weaken with age, sickness, smoking, cold, medications, dental problems, etc[5]. But without them, we cannot taste anything. The loss of the sense of taste can cause one to lose appetite and grow lean.

Taste in the bible refers to experiencing something through the taste or taste buds. Let us just suppose that, as our key text says, we a savour of Jesus Christ, who is the Father’s beloved Son. The Father has announced at least twice that He is well pleased with His Son (Matthew 3:17; 17:5; Mark1:11; 9:7). We are a sweet savour, a taste of His Son to Him. As a Christian, God looks at you and perceives the fun times He has had with His only begotten Son. This is priceless. Whenever you are on the road, and you are about to yell at a reckless driver, remember you are a savour of Jesus to God Himself. Remember that you are a savour whenever you are ready to show someone how to mean you can be. When you have the opportunity to share the gospel, remember you are the sweet savour. Give it your best shot. And the Father, who gave Jesus His throne, will make you king also.

Parents who endeavour to be pleasant tastes to their children will bring up versatile adults. Spouses will create spouses who look like Jesus. Can anything compare? Children will develop kind-hearted siblings and cooperative parents. Workers will find a peace that only the Prince of Peace can give. 

So what do you taste like?

[1] How does our sense of taste work? – – NCBI Bookshelf (; How the Sense of Taste Works (

[2] Taste Buds: Anatomy, Function, and Treatment (

[3] How the Sense of Taste Works (

[4] How does our sense of taste work? – – NCBI Bookshelf (

[5] What Causes Loss of Taste (; Change in Sense of Taste: 5 Possible Reasons Things Taste Differently (

Noseying Heavenwards II

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For we are to God a sweet savour of Christ, in those being saved, and in those being lost; 16  to the one we are the savour of death to death, and to the other we are the savour of life to life. And who is sufficient for these things? 

2Corinthians 2:15-16

Last time we discussed how God communicates through our noses (Check . We realized that God says something significant to us every time we breathe in. Today, we examine a few fun facts about our noses and draw out vital lessons.

Fun Facts:


A bloodhound has 4 billion olfactories (smell) receptor cells; rabbits have 100 million, while we have just 12 million in our noses[1]! God gave more to those who needed more.


Research has established that more men than women can snore depending on certain factors[2]. Exercise may also reduce the sound intensity[3]. Check YouTube (e.g. ).

Smell and Memory

© Credit E Saliba (

Of all our five senses, only the sense of smell is directly linked to the part of our brain where we process emotions and memories[4]. So a baby can attach the scent of their mother’s breast to the pleasure of breast milk. The baby memorizes that scent and connects the fond memories staying in their brain. Or the smell of burning brakes comes to you as you drive, and you immediately remember the cost of replacing them.We sometimes think of some people when we perceive a particular perfume or bodily scent[5]. How did your Father smell when he returned from work, and you hugged him? Have you ever had someone cover your eyes from behind, and their cologne betrayed them? The smell and memories of someone you love will manage to stay with you for life[6]. Our text above indicates that Christians are a sweet aroma of Christ to His Father, God. We are also a sweet aroma of Christ to other Christians. We are still a sweet savour of Christ but unto death to those who are perishing because they love sin and unrighteousness. We can smell good to make people love Jesus!

Will you do me a favour… In the comments section, kindly tell us your favourite smells at Christmas or Ramadan and the memories they bring to you.

When God sees us, He is reminded of His beloved Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. God looks joyfully at everyone who has accepted Jesus as their Lord and personal Saviour. They bring Him fond memories of the Son in whom He is well pleased. In fact, Zephaniah 3:17 intones that God rejoices over His heritage with singing. God the Father loves to love you! So how can I make God bring up fond memories whenever He thinks about me? Obedience. God is pleased with those who obey His commandments through the enabling of the Holy Spirit. That is something for us to consider.

  • 1Samuel 15:22 To obey is better than sacrifice
  • Proverbs 21:3 Righteousness and justice are more acceptable
  • Psalm 51:16 For you will not delight in sacrifice
  • John 14:15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
  • 1John 3:22 We keep his commandments & do what pleases him
  • 1John 5:3 This God’s love, that we keep his commandments

Nose and Mucus

© Credit N Fewings (

High up our noses are the nerves of smell. We must pull the air right up to the roof to decipher what we perceive[7]. When drawing up air into our noses, we can draw in smoke and dust particles, pollutants, allergens, bacteria, viruses, tiny insects, etc. The nose tries to circle bad stuff with mucus, and they end up in the stomach. But a virus in your nose will try to get quick access to your lungs[8]. Once in your lungs, the offender behaves pretty sneakily. Within a short time, the disease can weaken your body. Apart from this, your nose can get clogged and congested, which can be very discomforting. Then the nose can no longer smell so well again until the offender is removed[9].

Our spiritual noses act virtually the same way. They smell the moral challenges of people around us. However, when we spend our time smelling everything about everybody around us, we take in a lot of spiritual viruses. Renowned preacher the late Pastor C D Brooks, once remarked that some people like to talk about those they consider hypocrites instead of focusing on Christ. He said, “I don’t enjoy hypocrites that much.” White also wrote,

Slipshod religion is a dangerous thing, in the home or in the church, and to educate the mind to look for defects in others unfits the soul for communion with God. This is the leaven of evil. The very act of looking for sin in others develops defects in those who look (emphasis mine). These would be alarmed could they see the facts that are registered against them in the books of heaven. The man with the beam in his own eye thinks he has discovered a mote in his brother’s eye. …Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”[10]

Ellen G White

Many years ago, I overheard someone chanting (perhaps, playfully), “My talent is to drive Christians out of the church!” She seemed proud that her critical spirit was making Christians leave the church. When your spiritual nose is only used to smell out hypocrites, you try to do God’s work for Him. Our work is to bring people to the Saviour, not drive them out.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to smell nice to draw others to the Saviour.

[1] (Chudler, 2014)

[2] (Maimon & Hanly, 2010);

[3] (Suni, 2022)

[4] (Mouly & Sullivan, 2010)

[5] (Cleveland Clinic, 2020)

[6] (Houser, 2013)

[7] (Cleveland Clinic, 2020)

[8] (Hallingstad, 2018)

[9] (Cleveland Clinic, 2020)

[10] (White, 1899)

Noseying Heavenwards I

© Credit Marina Vitale (

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And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. 

Genesis 2:7

Let your mind walk with me. We are walking past newly created trees in their freshness and beauty. The air, the birds, the creatures, and the verdant grass fill us with awe and mute our conversation. So our senses converse with the environment while we follow the Glorious indefatigable Creator on His jaunts. Presently, He silently bends down while His hands work the pliable earth near His shining feet. Soon enough, a handsome human image lies at His feet. He bends over that piece of earth, His lips over its face. Right away, the human figure changes colour and shifts. God had performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on him. Now he was a living being. You and I know that God will do the same to create the woman in a couple of hours.

Both of our ancestors needed their noses to become living souls in the scenes above. Genesis 2:7 insists that God breathed into his nostrils before he became a living soul. Without a working nose, he could not. Indeed no one in history has existed without a functional nose!

Our noses are that important. Yet often, we hardly notice their importance to our living today. If you are reading this, it means your nose is still working. Much like our other organs, it is silent and faithful. We take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, rain or shine, from the get-go. God made it that way. Man can survive only a couple of minutes without air. After some minutes without air, our systems begin to fail. In 2019, Richard Gray wrote, “Without oxygen, the human body can only survive for a few minutes before the biological processes that power its cells begin to fail. The electrical signals that power the neurons in the brain decrease and eventually stop altogether.[1]

God keeps you alive! He, moment by moment, provides oxygen to keep you living. Genesis 7:21 and 22 assure us that God can stop this if He wants to. You can continue being who and what you are and doing what you do as long as God keeps doing what He has to. He has to ensure there is oxygen and your nose is still working.

There are secondary smokers, lactating mothers, certain kinds of nurses, garbage workers, plumbers, etc., who all have to deal with unpleasant smells that discourage you from breathing. However, this cannot be compared to people who often struggle to get a breath of air. People living with Asthma know how it feels not to be able to breathe correctly. Senior citizens know how it feels to be weak because you’re not getting enough air into your lungs. Emphysema patients see the fear of certain death from a compromised respiratory system. COVID 19 is a scourge that ravaged the world from 2019 through 2022. Indeed, it was more tumultuous in some places than others. Coronavirus taught us, among other things, that if our respiration system is compromised, we don’t stand a chance – we would die like rats. And every family on this planet must have felt its evil bear hug.

Your nose is God’s way of saying to you, “Hi there, I AM the One who keeps you alive. Humble yourself and worship before me.” Whenever you ingest air, God is reminding you that He loves to love you. He is the Sovereign God, Ancient of Days, Loving Saviour, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, and your Wonderful Counsellor. Whenever you humble yourself before God, you are nosey-ing heavenward. God be with you.

[1] Source

Turning Up Your Audio II

INVITATION – You are warmly invited to join us by LIKING, FOLLOWING, SHARING and COMMENTING. I always respond to all my comments.

Gen 17:17  Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear? Gen 18:11  Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. Gen 18:12  Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also? 

Her husband rushed off suddenly. He returned shortly with three elegant, respectable-looking gentlemen. He was practically falling over his feet to make them comfortable. ‘That’s my husband for you!’ she mumbled to herself as she kneaded dough and supervised her maids. Presently, her husband, Abraham, rushed in with instructions to prepare a quick meal. He later came in with a young calf, already dressed. Together with the other meal, he presented it to his visitors. While Abraham’s visitors ate, he respectfully stood by them.

© Dave Moreno (

The events proceed rapidly. They finish eating and start talking with him. Only then does he realise he had invited his Creator, the One who brought him out of his home in Ur of the Chaldea! Once again, God reiterates his promise to Abraham that He will give him an heir. Earlier (Genesis 17:17), God repeated His commitment to providing them with a child. Abraham had laughed in his heart, then tried to shift attention to their maid’s son and requested a blessing for him. But God insisted that his wife, Sarah, would have a son. So, this time, he knew better than to laugh or disbelieve.

So, this time, it is rather Sarah who laughed. She was standing in the tent door behind Abraham, so she heard that she would suckle a boy in about a year. Like her husband, she considered their ages and that she had even passed menopause. Both heard God’s promise to make good His promise of a child. Both laughed within themselves.

© Jaddy Liu (

Even the Father of the Faithful (FoF) almost didn’t believe. Even the friend of God Himself almost scoffed. Even the Mother of Many (MoM) nations almost rejected her blessing. Abraham, Father of the Faithful, heard God reiterate His promise and thought about something/else. FoF did not have enough faith to hang on to a repeated promise. And MoM could not learn from her husband’s faith in God. Even strong children of God can entirely miss the point even when they heard it from God Himself.

No wonder we, today, which can only hear from the Bible or the Holy Spirit, go into all kinds of modes when we hear the plain word of God. But God responds to those who take His word and obey, no matter how daunting, tiring, boring, silly, annoying, etc.

Some 30+ years ago, I had gotten into tough times. College had ground to a halt with no help from friends or relatives. My business had collapsed due to bad debt, and I owed my kind benefactress. I spent my dawns at a favourite spot on the outskirts of town, seeking God. One morning, He spoke to me, “I do not need people’s promises to pay your fees; I am the Lord.” After this communication, I went home and went about my duties. Dr Michee Bade, then about as young as I was, had opted to spend his holidays at my flat. One day, he suggested that I take God at His word and go to campus. God provided one opportunity after another until I finished university. Listening to God is one thing. Hearing what He tells you is what will change your destiny. Hearing and obeying is what will truly show that you are His child. Check out the following texts:

  • Galatians 3:6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
  • Genesis 22:3 And Abraham rose up… and went unto the place of which God had told him. 
  • Numbers 17:11 And Moses did so: as the LORD commanded him, so did he.
  • Genesis 7:5 And Noah did according unto all that the LORD commanded him.
  • John 15:14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

Learn to take God at His word. Do as He tells you. Do it to the best of your ability. Precisely as He showed you, bear in mind that God does not sin and will not ask you to sin. Turn up your audio and be attentive. He returns soon to take those who listened and obeyed. 

“Tune It Into God, Turn It Up And Rip Off The Knob!”

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat… II

INVITATION – You are warmly invited to join us by LIKING, FOLLOWING, SHARING and COMMENTING. If you follow us, our posts will come immediately to you!

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

James 1:5 

Last time, we looked at what the cat and king chose to see. The cat saw a mouse instead of the queen of England, and King Rehoboam saw riches and flamboyant living instead of service that pays (

Immediately after his coronation, his first important decision cost him 83% of his kingdom (1 Kings 12:6-11)! He marshalled an army with the 17% left to start a civil war, but God stopped what would have been a bloodbath. So the two sides’ leaders built fortifications along their borders – forgetting that they were descendants of one ancestor! Then they began running battles.

After about 3 years, things began to get comfortable and easy, so Rehoboam’s wife, a worshipper of Asherah, drew him into idolatry. Two years later, Shishak, king of Egypt, attacked. Rehoboam and his elders decided God was right in not defending them against Shishak, so they humbled themselves before God. When God saw His people’s repentance, he prevented Egypt from completely annihilating Judah. So Egypt stripped Solomon’s palaces of all their valuables. And to comfort himself, Rehoboam had imitations made from very cheap materials. From then on, “he did evil, because he prepared not his heart to seek the LORD” (2 Chronicles 12:14).

So, in a few short years, Rehoboam, through his uninformed or ill-informed choices, had reduced a kingdom of twelve powerful tribes to only two. He had lost all the wealth and splendour his father had gathered. And finally, he had led the nation into idolatry. If you can’t improve on the good your father has achieved, the least you can do is to maintain it. He had succeeded in reducing Israel from grace to grass. It is a sad day indeed to wake up to the fact that you led out or were part of the group that managed to bring a civilization, a nation, a society, a system, an organization, a company, an institution, a family, a growing dream right down to its knees through visionless-ness (Prov 29:18). In your quiet moments, you will find your conscience playing out all your stupid choices in your head. Over and over again. Until, of course, you learn to rationalize and apportion blame to others (Prov 28:13). Then, once you can blame someone else, you can give your heart some temporary rest. Yes! Temporary rest.

© Kobu Agency (

But the Bible is replete with lessons for kings in the Bible. His own father, King Solomon, after his unfortunate experiences, dedicated the first part of Proverbs 31 to advising kings. Furthermore, in Solomon’s own life, we can draw the following lessons:

  • Great leaders let go of fame and fortune to chase after knowledge and wisdom (check 1 Kings 3:1-15)
  • Great leaders reach out to wise counsellors (Proverbs 24:6)
  • Great leaders exemplify and encourage integrity (Proverbs 16:12, 13)
  • Great leaders are always alert (Proverbs 25:2)
  • Great leaders seek out and weed out divisive subordinates (Proverbs 25:3,4)[1]

To avoid that, you need to unlearn the foolish and relearn what is wise. Take personal responsibility for your brightest future.Be a learner for the rest of your life. Be interactive! Get current, expert, credible information. Stay current and continue reading books that help you hone your skills. Be interactive. Be a lifelong learner. Then focus on using that information honourably and creatively. Remember, we are never wise until we put the excellent knowledge we have gained to the good of others. Let God Himself guide you. James 1:5 But if any man among you is without wisdom, let him make his request to God, who gives freely to all without an unkind word, and it will be given to him. Choosing the right is a very crucial step in everyone’s life. We all have made decisions which we wish we had not made. Predictably, regrets increase as we grow older. Most seniors regret A. not spending enough quality time with family, B. not being/living their authentic and straightforward selves/lives, C. not preparing their children to be self-sufficient, D. trading happiness for a life of bearing grudges, E. not taking care of themselves mentally and physically, and F. not staying in touch with friends[2]. Pursue a largely regret-free old age by letting God guide you into the right decisions.

[1] Adapted from

[2]Adapted from;;;

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat… I

© Mike Marrah (

This post and the next, we interrupt the ‘audio series’ to bring you two more on sight/perspective. Enjoy. INVITATION – You are warmly invited to join us by LIKING, FOLLOWING, SHARING and COMMENTING.

And they spake unto him, saying, If thou wilt be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants for ever.

1Kings 12:7 
© Dorothea Oldani (

Do you remember that nursery rhyme (Pub. 1805) “Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been? I’ve been to London to visit the Queen[1]. The following line asks the cat, who travelled to London ostensibly to see Queen, what he did there. The cat’s answer is that he frightened a little mouse under her chair!

Seeing a mouse should be expected, I guess, being a cat. However, the cat did not need to go all the way to Buckingham Palace to see one! After all, he went there to visit the Queen! The palace, its expanse, splendour, design, decoration, chandeliers, jewels, gardens, pools, fountains, the Queen herself, the staff, the order, and changing of the guard! Wow! Who goes to BP without seeing the changing of the guard? This cat did, my friend.

In 1 Kings 12, we meet Rehoboam, the son of the world’s wisest man. He had just been crowned king after King Solomon’s death. He was so elated and excited that he failed to observe and analyze the tense political climate his father had left. He only saw riches, glory, renown, and wine and women. If we were to sing our nursery rhyme above for him, we probably would go something like, ‘Rehoboam, Rehoboam, where have you been? I have been to Jerusalem to become the king. Rehoboam, Rehoboam, what did you see? I saw riches, honour, power, wining, dining, and ‘womaning’.

After his coronation, the people selected representatives, including Jeroboam, to speak to the king on their behalf. King Solomon had made their lives miserable with his taxes and forced labour. They wanted the newly installed king to ease their burdens. Keep in mind that wisdom is neither transferable nor hereditary!

© Raoul Droog (

So what was the response of the king who could not see that ascending the throne meant he was to serve his people? Well, it’s not like he didn’t consult with others. He went first to his father’s advisors and then to his own agemates and playmates. The two groups gave completely opposite pieces of advice. The former said, ‘serve them, and they’ll be your servants!’ The latter said, ‘show them you are tougher than even your father!’ He chose the advice of his playmates and destroyed Israel’s national unity forever. Read it in 1Kings 12:8-11.

At the time, the leaders asked Jeroboam to be king over the 10 tribes who were not directly descended from David. This man had fled from King Solomon to Shishak’s Egypt. He returned only when Solomon died. At the time, ten of the tribes of Israel seceded to form the kingdom of Israel. Only two of the twelve tribes – his own tribe of Judah and Benjamin remained under him as his subjects. At the time, the united nation of Israel became divided, fulfilling the devil’s plan. At the time, Rehoboam’s blindness to his purpose affected an already shaky Israelite unity.

Even after splitting the kingdom, he still didn’t get the point, so he followed the tax collector on his next trip. They stoned the tax collector, Adoram, to death, and King Rehoboam narrowly escaped alive. It is terrible to have a good venture collapse under your watch. You go down in history with that tag.

Rehoboam, Rehoboam, where have you been? Rehoboam, Rehoboam, what did you see…. Yes, you reading this; what do you see? You have become a leader, president, Member of Parliament, politician, CEO, VC, GO, administrator, supervisor, employee, management member, board member, cheerleader, faculty member, staff, worker, achiever, student, son, and daughter of a respected nation, organization or family. What do you see in that status? Can you discern the tense climate? Interpret your role? Have you found your actual purpose for the position and standing you have? We’ll continue next week.


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