We Are Moving

“They asked Him to Leave3” and subsequent posts will be found on https://elihasthots2.blogspot.com/ We can now be found on the above website. Visit us for more engaging content at https://elihasthots2.blogspot.com/ Thank you so very much for your patronage over these years. We are supremely grateful.

Enjoy A Pout

The requital morning yanked Six hairs from my Flared nostrils. Carefully, I doled out generous helpings of Angry snaps To three members Of my family. They also whipped Through our home, torching other family members’ faces, Singeing their angry ears. By then the morning was airborne. By eight-thirty, The house could breathe a lonely Sigh.Continue reading “Enjoy A Pout”

The Rigour of Post Mortis

Consider LIKE-ing our page, you will give us what only friends can. Also, consider FOLLOW-ing our blog, you will be the first to get the Lord’s messages. Just a tap of that button, and we would be super excited! Seriously consider those following us! Inspired by Esther Jallah on Feb17, 2022 1. Death deals theContinue reading “The Rigour of Post Mortis”

Boy Little Me

22:53hrs, on July 15, 2022 Please FOLLOW my blog for more 1 Months have gone by Already. They grabbed my peace By the neck beads And hauled it Scratching, jolting To only God knows where. But now it’s like my birthday. Boy, little me! 2 The days quickened into lazy weeks. The weeks strengthened intoContinue reading “Boy Little Me”

When Akushika Said, “I DO”

15:36 hours. Saturday, June 25, 2022 for Wilma 1 Lovely Shika Smiles behind the veil The veil isn’t a barrier, no This veil tones down Her luminescence, iridescence The glory that shrouded her Keeping her humble and powerful 2 Lovely Aku smiles Her shining teeth hides Her stated refusal to entertain old-maids While she hungContinue reading “When Akushika Said, “I DO””

House Building Or Deck Of Cards (For Pete/Akos)

Please Like, Share, Comment, and FOLLOW Home building or deck of cards… One is hard and two is easy. One takes months two takes hours. Testing mike one, two, three, one! House building or deck piecing… Pieces flying faster than eye can catch ‘n hold mama mia. Pick ’em hold ’em guard ’em. Tenderize myContinue reading “House Building Or Deck Of Cards (For Pete/Akos)”


Serpentine slivers of silent carnivorous ants Slither all across The slippery sheen of the tiles In my bathroom. Thin slivers, meandering shavings, genuflecting, gesticulating As my transfixed eyes Gather the details in. There they march, brandishing Gory pieces of gore Ill-gotten gains from my travail with roachy dastardliness Which I left uncleaned, in situ. YetContinue reading “ANTS!”

LOVE, Tried & Proved™

We consider Psalm 16:6, 7, 11 As part of my preparation for grad school, my wife gave me a quilt. Fine cotton quilt, perfectly stitched together. Small diamonds daintily sewed together to form bigger diamonds. Then there were stars with small lines of flowers that go through. The stars were bordered twice by straight floweryContinue reading “LOVE, Tried & Proved™”

Unforgiveness & Co.

Monday, July 13, 2020 Unforgiveness, anger, and selfishness  Sat slowly down to plan man’s Next line of action. Recent foibles had twisted No, mangled the harmony Left vibrating on the rims Shabby, unsteady in the The dim glare of our noonday moon. Something should be done to halt the rate Of male dreams maternally mortal,Continue reading “Unforgiveness & Co.”

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